Hierophant of Sin

First used to design the priests of the greek Eleusinian Mysteries, the word “Hierophant” has since been used to indicate person who brings religious congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy.

Thus, a Hierophant of Sin… well, we’ll leave that to your imagination *winks*

Completing the tryptich with the Disciple of Sin and Priestess of Sin, the Hierophant of Sin outfit combines tight-fitting leather belts and cuffs with fishnet stockings and gloves and a complex,intricate chain work on the top and string.

Resize Scripted, with a script delete option, to get rid of the scripts after fitting to your size, thus greatly reducing lag in the sim you roleplay in.

The string is provided with stomach and pelvis attachment points.

The top and the collar are provided with chest and spine attachment points.

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